A two-way messaging solution integrated directly with your school app.

Guardians, student, and teacher user experience is at the heart of what makes Rooms so powerful. Rooms simplifies the digital classroom while bringing all communications into one place.

Run your classroom with ease—even at a distance.

Having a virtual classroom is no longer just an option—it’s a necessity. Rooms lets teachers manage changing classroom dynamics without skipping a beat.

Heather P. | Marketing

Bring the dialogue into one place.

Teachers play a key role in promoting and representing a district’s brand. Rooms empowers teachers with the tools needed to give families a seamless communication experience.

Rooms takes conversations from disparate channels and unifies them in one place. Guardians will never have to wonder when their kid’s homework is due, and students can ask their teacher school-related questions in a monitored, safe space.

Dontavius I. | Client Success

Make Rooms the hub of your digital learning and communication.


When a student logs into Rooms, the first page they’ll see is the Classes menu. This page gives them quick and easy access to all of their courses and classroom notifications.


With Stream, students can see class announcements and upcoming assignments within a particular course. Teachers and staff can upload class content, and students and guardians can view any new updates.


Rooms offers better parent-teacher communication. Messages enables guardians to chat with teachers in the same app they get school news and updates. Teachers can find all of their messages on one platform, and students can message their teachers directly with course-related questions. This is a safe space for student-teacher communication that is monitored by administrators.


Your students are doing great things in the classroom—and Rooms helps everyone celebrate. With Behavior, teachers can allocate points to their students for classroom participation, good behavior, and demonstrating your school’s values. Positive behavior can easily be seen by guardians right inside the app, allowing them to stay connected with their student’s points and achievements.


Our Materials feature takes away the time and stress of filing hard copy supplemental resources and curriculum notes. Teachers can upload and organize their entire semester's worth of documents in one sitting. The best part? When a new semester begins, simply copy, paste and recycle your previous curriculum documents. Your new semester is ready in a matter of minutes!


Rooms offers the ability to automatically translate any message, class information section, or Class Stream content quickly and easily across both desktop and mobile. Built on Google’s framework, teachers and guardians can be on the same page regardless of what language is spoken at home. Nothing is lost in translation with Rooms.

Unlimited Training & Support

Apptegy is the first company in K-12 Technology to offer unlimited, free training and support to every single teacher, coach, and staff member at your district.

Google Classroom Import

Rooms allows you to connect your Google Classrooms so that you can automatically import Announcements and Assignments.

Access Rooms Central for clients.